California Fitness and Yoga

California Fitness and Yoga
Working towards being a stronger, healthier you! Brought to you by California Fitness and Yoga.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Weekend Challenge #1 - 11 exercises 50 sec effort and 10 sec rest (Interval)

See below Video for explanation on how to do each exercise.

Weekend Challenge #1 - 11 exercises 50 sec effort and 10 sec rest (Interval) 

        ·          Jump Rope Training - use this as your warm up -  Set your timer for 15 rounds and two intervals of 10 and 15 seconds. You will complete 15 rounds of 20 seconds of jump rope work and 10 second of rest. Try to change the style of your skipping for each interval. One more thing, if you don’t have a jump rope  - then do high knees, jumping jacks, scissors, or something similar to get your heart rate up and your legs working. (I did not count by jumps but down the road we will).

        ·         For this workout you will need your Interval timer. Set your timer for 12 rounds of two intervals. The first interval will be set for 10 seconds and the second one for 50 seconds. Your goal is to push as hard as you can during each 50 second interval to complete as many reps as possible for each exercise. The 10 seconds in between is just enough to write your reps down.
Exercises done in Order (my score)
Shoulder Push-ups – 
38 reps (you are in a rev V-butt up) 
Prisoner Jump Squats –
70 reps (squat jumps) 
Mountain Climbers –
108 reps (each jump counts as 1) 
Clapping Push Up on your knees– 
28 reps    Jump Lunge – 56  total reps(alternate lunge with jump) 
Bicycle rotation Abs on floor –
94 reps (each knee to elbow counts as 1)   
Single Leg ext - Tricep Push-ups (on knees) – 
23 reps 
Forward & Backward Lunge w/ single leg Jump Up (left) – 
22 reps
Forward & Backward Lunge Jump Up (right) – 
25 reps
V-Up Side Crunch (left) –
30 reps  V-Up Side Crunch (right) – 30 reps   
Burpees with a jump –
12 reps

Cheers - Patty

Weekend Challenge #1 - 11 exercises 50 sec effort and 10 sec rest (Interval)